About the School


Career Photographer.
With over four thousand total students and growing, many asked over the years for a full professional program; like a college program, but a practical version: not so idealistic like those found at colleges, a realistic program, so that they are actually prepared for a career in photography.

So after many months of research, writing, interviewing, etc., in the Spring of 2018 we completed the CAREER PHOTOGRAPHER program. A unique and evolving program that prepares you for 'what happens next', but not only that, you will do 'what happens next' while still a part of the program. You will start your business as a part of this program while you have instructors to talk with to help you out on a weekly basis.


A program written by an experienced photographer with a photography degree, professional accolades, national recognition, etc. What matters most? -that the effort you put towards your photography business, makes you successful, by whatever you define as successful.

Passion to results

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