History of LPS
Landers Photography School started in 1997 doing private photography classes.

Every photographer who wants to make a career out of photography should be able to do so.

Our classes are done via Zoom, with the exception of the basic photography classes, which are done in places that suit the topic in San Antonio, Texas.

Career Photographer.
With over four thousand total students and growing, many asked over the years for a full professional program; like a college program, but a practical version: not so idealistic like those found at colleges, a realistic program, so that they are actually prepared for a career in photography.
So after many months of research, writing, interviewing, etc., in the Spring of 2018 we completed the CAREER PHOTOGRAPHER program. A unique and evolving program that prepares you for 'what happens next', but not only that, you will do 'what happens next' while still a part of the program. You will start your business as a part of this program while you have instructors to talk with to help you out on a weekly basis.
A program written by an experienced photographer with a photography degree, professional accolades, national recognition, etc. What matters most? -that the effort you put towards your photography business, makes you successful, by whatever you define as successful.
Passion to results